Our time conversion tool makes changing a 24-hour time into a 12-hour format with AM and PM easy. Many websites use the 24-hour clock, which can be confusing because it’s not always clear if the time is in the morning or evening. This time converter tool makes it easy by converting the time into a format with AM or PM, ensuring it’s clear and understandable.
What is AM & PM
AM and PM are terms used to distinguish the time of day in a 12-hour clock format. AM stands for “Ante Meridiem,” which means before noon, covering the time from midnight (12:00 AM) to just before noon (11:59 AM). PM stands for “Post Meridiem,” meaning afternoon, and it covers the time from noon (12:00 PM) to just before midnight (11:59 PM). Using AM and PM helps you easily tell whether a time is in the morning or the evening.
What is Time Zone
A time zone is a region of the world where the same standard time is used. The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each generally an hour apart, based on the position of the sun. For example, when it’s noon in one time zone, it might be 1:00 PM in the next time zone to the east and 11:00 AM in the next one to the west. Time zones help people all around the world keep track of time in a way that makes sense for their location; so when it’s daytime in one place, it’s nighttime in another.